Ehren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photographEhren Tool, Cup, 2014.
Wheelthrown and altered clay.
Madison Metro photograph
Artist Statement:
I originally made the cups to be touchstones about unspeakable things. To connect people who have experienced war with people who have experienced war first hand. To connect Vets and refugees with their own families. Things have devolved so far in our political system we can not agree on facts and science. It seems now the cups could be a touchstone to connect folks of different political views. I’m not super optimistic about the power of a cup. I think sharing a beverage and listening to each other could be a small step.