Erik and Martin Demaine: Puzzling with Paper
In cahoots with his father Martin, the Demaines—who are featured in the upcoming Craft in America episode, SCIENCE—use artwork on their trajectory towards truth. They fold pieces of paper by hand along geometrically-derived lines and magically transform flat sheets into intricately curved constructions—while at the same time proving math theorems! The exploration doesn’t stop there. They plot out the pattern of a sunflower’s face, improvise pathways of hot glass on paper, extract Shakespeare’s words, as well as write programs that generate three-dimensional and animated fonts. The duo has a stimulating generative practice that blends disciplines from math to zoology.

Virtual Gallery
Click and drag, or use your arrow keys, to see a 360º view of the virtual space.
Virtual Gallery
Click and drag, or use your arrow keys, to see a 360º view of the virtual space.
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
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