Turning your Arts Practice into a Sustaining Business: A Seminar with Mary Little Sept 8, 2pm
September 8, 2018
Please join us for an intimate, guided conversation with artist Mary Little who will be sharing her extensive knowledge about growing an artistic practice into a full-time, sustaining career. This seminar is geared toward early career artists, no matter your age, who want to learn how to generate income through creative practices, by working independently, directly and strategically. Techniques will be shared on how to develop a network of clients and collectors that grows year to year, without compromising your artistic integrity and vision.
The afternoon will be beneficial for recent graduates and those with art practices on the side who would like to make art their main source of income. By employing the tactics of a small and thriving arts business, you can reshape the way that you look at your practice as a professional. Artists and makers will find new approaches to sales and commissions by nurturing an audience that loves what you do.
Mary Little Bio:
Mary Little, born in Northern Ireland, is a Los Angeles-based artist and sculptor. Her primary medium is unbleached artist canvas which references her early career as a furniture designer. Moving to Los Angeles in 2014 with a handful of contacts, she’s grown her artistic practice and income by employing tactics she developed as a designer and small business owner.
Little had a solo exhibition at Craft in America Center earlier this year and her work has been shown internationally at the Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, the Textile Museum, Washington D.C. and Übersee-Museum, Bremen, Germany. Her furniture is in the permanent collections of the Vitra Design Museum in Basel, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, and Victoria & Albert Museum, London and in private collections in Europe and North America. Her work has been reviewed in Fabrik, The New York Times, Luxe magazine and Architectural Digest.
The Craft in America Center is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture. www.lacountyarts.org