Artist Talk: Ehren Tool
Join Berkeley-based artist Ehren Tool, as he describes the evolution of his work, starting with his experiences as a Marine in the 1991 Gulf War, and his later decision to attend art school. He eventually settled on the cup as his medium of choice for speaking about the unspeakable that he witnessed while at war. Since 2001, he has given away more than 14,000 of his cups, each disseminating and depicting, rather graphically, his political stance on the effects of combat.
Artist Talk
Hand to Hand by Ehren Tool
Saturday, January 11, 2014
5pm – 7pm
The images on the cups are often graphic and hard to look at. You may be for or against a particular war but I think it is too easy for us to look away. I think we as a country and as humans should look at what is actually going on.
– Ehren Tool
Ehren Tool is featured in the SERVICE episode.