Dignicraft is a hybrid between an art collective, media production company and distributor of cultural goods, inspired by human dignity and justice, the artisanal process of creation, and the potential of collaboration to spark change. Through producing documentaries, distributing meaningful cultural goods, or facilitating workshops, Dignicraft aims to encourage unlikely encounters between people of different backgrounds. Dignicraft is the result of the evolution of collective work in Bulbo that Paola Rodríguez, José Luis Figueroa and Omar Foglio started over 12 years ago. A few of their most noticeable film projects include Tijuaneados Anónimos: Una lágrima, una sonrisa (Bulbo/Galatea audiovisual, www.tijuaneadosanonimos.org Tijuana, 2009) and Brilliant Soil / Tierra Brillante (Bulbo/Galatea audiovisual, www.brilliantsoil.org Michoacan, Mexico, 2011). The Collaborative Piñata is a long-term project to establish a dialogue between Purepecha crafts people and cultural agents from the region of Baja California, Mexico and Southern California, U.S.A